So that's us

How could we possibly introduce ourselves... Well, at the heart of our little enterprise are two crazy female village souls who are surrounded by domestic harmonious chaos and many other human and animal beings.
What fills us and influences our work is the beauty of the simple everyday. We have in our hearts a love for plants, animals, forests, mountains and meadows, early morning mists and deep night skies, rain and sunshine, storms and snowstorms, natural rhythms and the inexorable cycle of the world.
A love of nature and the pursuit of its protection has always been important in our lives, from tramping in the deep days of socialism, to teenage activities in Greenpeace, to personal everyday mindfulness at home, at work and now in our patchwork work.

And what do we do in our patchwork workshop?

We don't give a damn and we just have to. After personal experiences behind the scenes in secondhand shops and charity social closets, we have gradually matured to the decision to do at least something with a fraction of the wonderful materials that are routinely discarded and show the world that they can continue to be useful and even beautiful. It's wonderful to hold these unwanted discarded pieces in our hands, to think of new meaningful practical uses for them, to match colour and shape options and, most importantly, to sew! Because of the resources, each of our creations is actually a unique original because we always work from what we can salvage and no item can be exactly replicated again. And we like that. Our main "building materials" are mainly shirts, which have the highest quality and finest materials as well as bright colours and patterns. Carefully washed, ironed and torn shirts are reincarnated in our workshop to a new life in the form of original patchwork quilts, bags or heating pads and are ready to start a new life - maybe in your place!
We see the sense in giving discarded items a second chance and it gives us great pleasure to create with such material.
We are with you!
Lenka and Veronika